BioControl provides consulting and design services for clients wishing to develop special purpose bio-interface and biosensor applications.
We have assisted clients in the development of biosignal control interfaces for:
- video games
- robotics
- presence in simulation environments
- music composition
- aids for the physically disabled
- affective computing
- audience interactive events
- focus group response evaluation
In addition, BioControl specializes in wearable biosensor design, offering:
- Sensor systems with a focus on comfort, e.g. for sleep studies
- Multi-channel sensor systems for ambulatory monitoring
- Sensor systems for performance and interactive installations
- Prototype sensor systems for proof of concept applications
A partial list of our clients and affiliates includes:
Ambulatory Monitoring, Inc.
Fraunhofer, FRG
Johnson & Johnson, Endo-Surgery
MetroSleep, Inc.
NASA – Ames Research Center
OSI Soft
Panasonic, R & D Corporation of N. America
Qinetic, UK
Queens University, Belfast, UK
Sarnoff Corporation
Sony, Computer Entertainment America
Stanford Medical Center – Sleep Disorders Clinic
Teledyne, Electronic Technologies
VIP Mobile